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I love shades of grey...I painted my living room grey in my last home and it was so cozy. Such a nice warm winter color too:)

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Love the suit. Beautiful colours.



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Pretty cool Gray color Shades,This color is my Favorite That too I have painted my room with this...https://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=batch_download&send_id=817789614&email=7cff47bb7cdcb76fbfa15e66c81a1961 Great suit ..Wanna get a same pattern like this...This is really cool!!!!

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Beautiful colours. I painted my bedroom greay too.

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I never though that grey and all its combinations could create a breath taking image quite real as well. However with this painting you just manage to totally change my mind

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Fabulous! You have such a creative mind.

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